The person grabbed me from the ground and dragged me out of the villa, stumbling along the way.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably as I opened the car door and got in.

The car keys fell to the ground several times, and it was the person who picked them up and opened the car door.

At that moment, I was extremely grateful that I was sleeping in my coat.

Even more grateful that the car keys were still in my coat pocket and hadn't been taken out.

"Your head is bleeding! Quickly wrap something around it!" Hong Hong said.

"There's no time! Hurry up! You've only knocked him out; he'll catch up soon! Can you drive?"

Hong Hong shook her head. "I came here on an electric bike and brought that baseball bat for self-defense."

She was also soaked with rainwater, looking disheveled.

My hands were shaking as I started the car and backed it out of the parking space.

"That Hu Mo, he came to my room and shouted for me to open the door, saying we should kill you together. He's gone mad, absolutely mad!!"

"Then why didn't you believe him? Maybe I really am the crocodile."

"How can you joke at a time like this?!" Hong Hong yelled at me.

"There's only one guy and one girl left. Of course, I believe the girl!"


Perhaps I was a bit crazy too, as I couldn't help but laugh out loud, even though it sounded worse than crying.

Just as I was about to press the gas pedal to accelerate.


A huge human-shaped shadow slammed hard on the windshield!

It was Hu Mo!

His head and face were covered in blood, with blood even flowing from his eyes.

He grinned fiendishly and raised the axe in his hand, bam! bam! striking the windshield!

The windshield rapidly cracked.

Hong Hong screamed loudly in my ear!

Hu Mo raised the axe again, aiming at my forehead.

Screw it, I'll fight you to the end!

I slammed the gas pedal and took off!

Due to inertia, Hu Mo ended up kneeling and lying on the windshield.

I couldn't see anything and accelerated fiercely, making a sharp turn!


The ferocious-looking Hu Mo was thrown off sideways by me!

When I saw what was in front of me, it was already too late.


The car's front slammed hard into the guardrail.

The airbag deployed immediately.

Before losing consciousness, Hong Hong's ear-piercing scream was the last thing I heard—
