After that, the exam answers were strictly guarded, and Lin Chujing no longer had any opportunity to get her hands on them.

She simply let herself go, sleeping in class and blatantly exposing her true level in exams.

The once academic god fell from the altar.

The students she once bullied have now turned the tables and started bullying her.

As a teacher, I should have stepped in.

However, understanding the feelings of those being bullied might not be such a bad thing for her.

I hope that after she gets into high school, she can have an epiphany and turn over a new leaf, so that she might still have a bright future ahead.

But she didn't give herself that chance.

Her grades were average. It was unrealistic to hope for her to be the city's top scorer, but with some effort, she could still have a chance at a key high school. At worst, she could get into a regular high school.

But during the final period, she let herself go too much, and combined with a poor mindset, she failed the high school entrance exam and only managed to get into a vocational school.

On the day she left school, I intended to offer her some consolation, but she looked at me and tried to hold back her laughter:

"Being a teacher who couldn't produce a top scorer, haven't you missed out on a lot of opportunities? Recently, the results for the senior teacher evaluation came out, how come you're not on the list? If I had been the top scorer, how much bonus would you have received? Now that you have nothing, how do you feel about it?”

“Shut up!”

She didn't shut up, but she put away her smile: "When I was bullying them, you didn't know their situation and didn't protect them. I could only see you as foolish. But when they bullied me, it was all done right under your nose, and you didn't say a single word. That's just evil."

“You're finally feeling the pain of being bullied? It doesn’t feel good, does it?”

“I can't tell, you hate bullying so much,” Lin Chujing sneered, “then why did you recommend me to the admission committee teachers? You know very well what kind of student I am, yet you still had the nerve to lie to the admission committee. Such a good opportunity, why didn't you give it to those well-behaved, good students?"

"To get you out of here as soon as possible so you wouldn't have the chance to bully them again. I know it’s wrong, but it was the best solution for all of you. And you still wanted to cheat..."

Lin Chujing sneered, "All high and mighty. Aren't you just after a promotion? You wanted to send me off as the steady top of the grade so it wouldn't affect your evaluation for senior teacher. From start to finish, the only person you cared about was yourself. You're not fit to be a teacher!”

I once wanted to be a good teacher.

When I was still a student, I saw my best friend being slapped by a teacher in front of the whole class, counting each slap out loud. From that moment, I vowed to become a good teacher.

When I was an intern teacher, I protected students who were bullied.

When I first became a class teacher, I saved a student who had given up on themselves.

When did I start to change?

Was it when that parent scolded me irrationally? Or when that student told lies hopelessly? I lost faith in the teaching profession and decided to treat it as just a job…

"Do you know why it wasn’t until almost graduation that you realized I was a scumbag?" Lin Chujing taunted, "Because you're a scumbag too!”

Lin Chujing let out a chilling laugh.

"When you leave, don't tell others you were my student!"

"Get out!"
