The figure in the night wasn't very clear, but I was sure it was one of the three senior brothers.

To find out, I immediately projected my spirit and followed him.

After following him for some time, I finally reached the destination, discovering a brilliantly lit manor.

Upon closer look, I saw the inscription "Ju Xian Manor" above the gate.

In the main hall, two people were seated on either side of a table, one of them being the eldest senior brother. A steward-like person was adding tea to his cup.

On the other side sat a Taoist-dressed person, whom I guessed to be Master Ruyi.

At this moment, Master Ruyi respectfully raised his teacup and said to the eldest senior brother.

"Great Sage, thank you for your effort today. I will certainly report your deeds to the Old Lord."

The eldest senior brother was also polite, downing the tea in one gulp and saying.

"It's nothing, nothing at all, but for future matters, I must trouble the Old Lord a lot."

"Don't worry, Great Sage, but there is another matter that requires your effort."

"What is it?"

As the eldest senior brother asked this, I also pricked up my ears.

Master Ruyi continued.

"Ahead of you is the capital of the Western Liang Kingdom. That female ghost king is likely to plot something against Tang Sanzang. When the time comes, we'll need your help, Great Sage."

Before he finished speaking, the eldest senior brother responded immediately.

"No problem, no problem, rest assured, old Sun has a plan."

"Hahaha, with the Great Sage taking charge, everything will be fine."

Saying this, the two toasted with tea instead of wine and finished their drinks in one go.

Then Master Ruyi took out a box and said to the eldest senior brother.

"I have prepared a small gift for you, Great Sage. Please accept it with a smile."

"Keep it here for now, I will collect it when I return from the west."

"Yes, yes, I will keep it safely until your mission to the west is complete and you return, hahaha."

As they conversed and laughed, I found myself lost in thought.

Why did Master Ruyi thank the eldest senior brother? Was it because he didn't destroy this Ju Xian Manor?

And who is the "female ghost king"? Could it be the queen of the Western Liang Kingdom?

As I thought of this, my heart skipped a beat. It seems the eldest senior brother already knows the origins of the Western Liang Kingdom and understands its complicated relationships.

And all the scenes during the day, were the senior brothers just acting?

Who were they performing for?

I thought for a long time without coming to any conclusions. Worried about being discovered by the eldest senior brother, I flew back to the cottage on a cloud.

While flying over a hill, I suddenly heard cries for help from the mountain road.

I descended and saw a ragged man running desperately in the moonlight.

As he ran, he kept shouting for help.

Before I understood what was happening, I saw several armoured women chasing and laughing behind him, calling out.

"Breeder, breeder, don't run! Hahaha!"

The man didn't get far before a woman knocked him down with a kick.

"Please spare me, military officer! I am just a passing merchant, the Western Liang Kingdom has laws protecting travelers!"

"Hahaha, the law only protects merchants reaching the Yingyang Pavilion. If you haven't reached it yet, we can enjoy you as we wish. Hahaha!"

The leading female officer turned and asked.

"Ladies, are we satisfied tonight?"

"Captain, tonight was too satisfying, hahahaha."

After a burst of laughter, the captain waved her hand and said.

"Then let's bring some spices home for our families."

As soon as she finished speaking, the soldiers drew their long knives. Before the merchant could react, several blades had already descended on him.

In an instant, they chopped the man into pieces and put the meat into sacks.

Just as I was horrified, I suddenly saw a flash of light from the west.

The leading captain also shouted: "Not good, hurry back to the city!"
