The 5th week of the apocalypse.

Extreme temperatures arrive.

Huge temperature differences between day and night.

During the day, the heat reaches a scorching 50 degrees, while at night, the temperature can drop to minus 30 degrees.

We observed the zombies upstairs and found that their activity level significantly decreases under extreme weather conditions.

Meanwhile, I developed a high fever under these circumstances.

Even with electricity to support my body, I couldn't withstand this temperature wave.

Fortunately, I had stocked up on medicines before, and Gu Xiao, reducing his sleep time every day, observed my body temperature.

In my drowsiness, I always dream about my previous life.

In fact, in my previous life, I had contacted Gu Xiao.

At that time, I had just brought the neighbor back home, and Gu Xiao's message arrived.

He asked me if I was okay.

I looked at the neighbor, whose face was pale, and then at my own face stained with blood in the mirror.

I replied, "I'm fine, don't worry."

He replied, "You heartless person. You didn't want to get back together with me before. Now that something happened, are you scared? Do you want me to come find you?"

Before I could reply, the neighbor started making sounds.

I saw her vomiting black blood, and by the time I reached her, she had already begun convulsing.

She struggled and trembled relentlessly, and her body quickly turned dark blue and black.

When I realized I needed to hide, she had already gotten up from the ground.

In the end, she bit my neck, and fresh blood gushed out, staining my beloved white carpet.

The virus entered my body, causing immense pain.

I glanced at the phone on the ground, which still had my unsent message.

"Gu Xiao, take care of yourself. Wait for me to find you."

The 7th week of the apocalypse.

I finally recovered from my cold, but I still felt weak.

I lay on the bed playing with the radio.

"Hiss... Can you hear me? Are there still humans alive..."

"Can you hear me? The military... They are already cleaning up... Please everyone, before the 5th, go to Century Square in the south of the city... The military will be waiting there for everyone."

I sat up and checked the time.

Today is October 3rd.

We have two more days until the military's rescue, and there is a straight-line distance of 126 kilometers to Century Square in the south of the city. We don't know how much detour we'll have to take.

I haven't fully recovered.

Even if I do, it's still unlikely that Gu Xiao and I will be able to reach there safely.

Two days may not be enough for the journey, especially with various car accidents and robberies occurring at the start of the apocalypse. The sound of driving may attract countless zombies.

After hearing the news, Gu Xiao didn't react and kept his head down, lost in thought.

I guess he's thinking about finding a solution, how to break through and reach Century Square.

While our bunker is currently safe, the food will eventually run out one day, and the equipment here will also deteriorate.

Going with the military, although dangerous in the early stages, is more advantageous for long-term development.

I looked at the computer placed in the corner by Gu Xiao. The files inside should be useful to the military.

If in my previous life I still had a heart for considering others, in this life, I am completely selfish.

"Gu Xiao, do you think the computer, the documents, and the syringe of medicine are enough for the military to come and pick us up?"

I looked up at him.

I was actually afraid when I said those words, afraid that Gu Xiao would call me selfish.

After all, this city, with a population of over 20 million, even if the virus took away most of them, there would still be thousands or tens of thousands left.

But he didn't.

Gu Xiao just looked at me, came over, and touched my head, praising me.

"Ranran, you're smart."

We spent a longtime discussing our options, weighing the risks and benefits of each one.

In the end, we decided that our best chance for survival was to make the journey to Century Square and join forces with the military.

We gathered all the necessary supplies, including food, water, and weapons, and prepared ourselves mentally for the challenges ahead.

On the morning of October 4th, we set off on our journey.

The streets were eerily quiet as we made our way through the city.

We encountered a few stray zombies along the way, but we managed to avoid them by staying hidden and moving cautiously.

As we progressed, we noticed that the city was in a state of devastation.

Buildings were crumbling, cars were abandoned, and there were signs of looting and destruction everywhere.

It was a stark reminder of the chaos that had taken place during the early days of the apocalypse.

Despite the desolation, we pressed on, driven by the hope of reaching Century Square and finding safety.

Each step felt like a battle, as we had to constantly be on the lookout for zombies and other survivors who might pose a threat.

Fortunately, our preparations paid off, and we managed to navigate through the city without any major incidents.

On the evening of October 5th, after two days of strenuous travel, we finally arrived at Century Square.

The scene that greeted us was both reassuring and disheartening.

The military had indeed set up a base in the square, with barricades and armed soldiers guarding the perimeter.

There were also large tents and medical facilities, indicating that they were prepared to provide assistance to survivors.

However, the number of people seeking refuge was overwhelming.

Thousands of survivors had gathered at the square, all hoping for a chance to be rescued.

The military was doing their best to maintain order, but the situation was chaotic.

We joined the line of survivors and waited for our turn to be processed and evaluated.

It took several hours, but eventually, we were able to speak with a military officer.

We provided them with the information from the computer and the documents we had brought, explaining their importance for understanding the virus and potentially finding a cure.

The officer seemed impressed with our efforts and told us that our information would be valuable.

He assured us that we would be allowed into the base and provided with shelter and medical care.

Relief washed over us as we were led inside the base.

We were assigned a temporary living space and given food and water.

Medical personnel examined us and treated any injuries we had.

It was a surreal feeling to be in a place of relative safety after weeks of constant fear and uncertainty.

As we settled into our new surroundings, we knew that our journey was far from over.

The world had changed, and we had to adapt to survive.

But for now, we were grateful for the opportunity to rebuild our lives and contribute to the efforts of the military in finding a solution to the apocalypse.

Little did we know that our journey was just beginning, and the challenges we would face in the days and months ahead would test us in ways we never imagined.

But we were determined to persevere, to fight for our survival, and to hold onto hope in the face of darkness.

And so, with renewed strength and resolve, we embraced our new reality and prepared ourselves for whatever lay ahead.
