When the program started broadcasting, as the director had expected, the popularity immediately soared.

Tens of thousands of viewers squeezed into the live broadcast room at the same time and began crazily flooding the screen:

"Ah ah ah! After six years, I finally saw Ling Zhi and Fang Zhiyun standing together again with my own eyes!"

"My favorite couple is back ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Where is the cameraman! Give us a close-up of the two!"

"I can't wait to see the fan-edited videos of the couple..."

"I can't wait to see their interaction, whimper whimper!"


The director looked at the continuously increasing number of viewers and his face was about to smile off.

Sitting in front of the camera, I, who hadn't been nervous for a long time, suddenly felt a bit nervous for no reason.

After introducing ourselves one by one, we started watching a video of an amateur couple in love.

This amateur couple had been in love for ten years but hadn't married yet.

At the beginning of the video, their stable and comfortable life was introduced.

Both of them were already in their thirties, a couple who had been together since university.

Maybe it was because they had been together for too long, or maybe it was because both of them had passed the age of passionate love.

The video played for five minutes, introducing all the information about the couple, but neither of them showed too much affection in front of the camera, more of a subtle distance.

The screen suddenly went black, and when it lit up, it was a solo interview with the girl.

The host asked the girl, "Why did you decide to participate in this program?"

The girl smiled gently and replied calmly, "I wanted to find the feeling of being in love."

The host asked, "Do you not feel that love anymore now?"

The girl shook her head and said, "Perhaps it's because we've been together for too long. Our lives are like stagnant water, with no expectations, no passion."

The host asked, "Have you ever thought of breaking up?"

The girl smiled and lowered her head, "Of course, I have thought about it. It's just that after so many years, it feels a bit hard to let go."

The scene shifted to the boy's interview.

The host asked, "Did you agree to participate in this program because you also wanted to find the feeling of love?"

The boy shook his head and replied firmly, "She wanted to, so I agreed."

The host was somewhat surprised and said, "It seems like your relationship is not as bad as the girl described."

The boy shook his head again, "No, we're planning to break up."

The video ended here.

The scene returned to our observation booth.

The host sighed, "The relationship problems of this couple don't look optimistic."

Another guest nodded, "It feels like the boy wants to break up, but the girl feels reluctant to end the relationship after so many years."

The host nodded and looked at me and Ling Zhi.

I thought he wanted us to comment on this, but before I could speak, the host spoke first:

"As far as I know, Teacher Ling and Teacher Fang were also in a twelve-year relationship but didn't end up getting married..."

The host paused and continued, "Recently, there has been a wave of digging into the past relationship of the two teachers on the internet. Let's take a look at the past love story of the two teachers."

As he spoke, the big screen played the pictures I had seen on the hot search last time.

I had seen the first two pictures, but I hadn't had time to see the ones that followed.

As soon as the host's words came out, the barrage exploded.

Comments quickly filled the screen, and the number of viewers also increased significantly:

"Ah ah ah, the CP is dancing right in front of the main character!"

"Oh my, the program crew is so daring!"

"Shocked me, are they so brave?"

"Look at Fang Zhiyun's expression, so unnatural! This is still love, right!"

"Oh my, did anyone see the moment when Ling Zhi's eyes turned gentle? They both can't let go of each other, right!"

"Excuse me, does anyone still remember that Fang Zhiyun's boyfriend now is Lu Beicheng?"

"Lu Beicheng is already in the past tense. After they officially announced their relationship, they haven't interacted for over a year and haven't been photographed together. Wasn't it rumored on the internet that they broke up a long time ago?"


I looked at the pictures on the screen and felt a hint of anger.

The script that the director originally gave me didn't mention this section at all.

The host pressed a remote control and looked at the enlarged photos on the screen, saying:

"Do Teacher Ling and Teacher Fang still remember the New Year's Eve concert that year?"

I glanced at the picture and remained silent.

But Ling Zhi naturally said, "The New Year's Eve concert that year was very grand, of course, I remember."

The host then looked at me.

I forced a smile and said, "Yes, it was my first time hosting, so I was very excited at the time."

Our answers did not cause much commotion in the comments.

The host pressed the remote control again and played the second photo.

The picture of us spliced together appeared on the big screen.

Seeing my face, which used to have collagen, so close in front of me, I couldn't help feeling a bit melancholic.

But my expression was interpreted differently by the barrage:

"Wahh, Zhiyun looks so lost, maybe she also regrets that past relationship."

"Twelve years, anyone would regret it..."

"Seeing Zhiyun's expression, I want to cry..."

"So nostalgic, I remember that year I bought Fang Zhiyun's album and attended Ling Zhi's concert, at that time, I never thought they were a couple."

"Yes, they don't seem to be like-minded at all."


The host brought up the third photo.

This was a photo I hadn't seen before.

This photo was not spliced, it was the first photo of me and Ling Zhi taken by paparazzi.

The photo was blurry, but you could see the two figures leaning against each other and holding hands tightly.

In the busy street, in the photo, Ling Zhi and I looked like an ordinary couple among the crowd.

The caption of this photo read:

"Ling Zhi, thirty years old, his popularity has slowly declined. The music industry is advancing rapidly, with frequent hits of golden songs. His songs have gradually lost their market, and he has fallen into a slump.

"Fang Zhiyun, twenty-seven years old, she has acted in several popular TV dramas in recent years, and her popularity is at its peak. Although she hardly releases songs anymore, she still has many fans who are looking forward to hearing more songs from her.

"At the end of that year, a photo of the two holding hands and strolling the streets was taken by the paparazzi, and their relationship caused a sensation."

After the host finished reading the last word, he sighed and said:

"Ah, I remember that day when the photo of you two swept the entire internet, almost all the news in various entertainment sections were about you two."

Another guest on the show also nodded, "Yes, I remember, at the time, your fans, Yunjie, were crying and asking Brother Ling to write a few songs for you to sing."

Hearing her words, I smiled gently.

I remember that incident.

During the time when our relationship was exposed, I read many comments from fans.

My fans were very understanding, thinking that it was okay for me to be in a relationship, but they still felt uncomfortable.

While expressing regret for my relationship, they also left messages asking Ling Zhi to write a few songs for me, hoping that I would release more songs.

Because I hadn't released any new singles or albums for over a year.

After being photographed, Ling Zhi and I discussed it for a long time and eventually chose to go public.

We honestly told everyone that we had been in a seven-year relationship.


"Ah ah ah, Zhiyun's smile! So cute!"

"Who knows, I'm really dead..."

"Maybe she just remembered her fans at that time?"

"I don't care, Zhiyun must be reminiscing about their past love."

"Doesn't anyone feel that both of them are very indifferent to this... you CP enthusiasts..."

"Yes, I dare not say anything, it's obvious that these two don't really want to talk about what happened before..."

